We have a passion for the tools and trends of the day. We keep up-to-date on emerging solutions for creating, delivering, and reporting on learning. As learning consultants, we help you decide which technology is right for your training needs and determine how it is relevant and applicable from an instructional standpoint. We work with you to determine when you might need an app, a mobility solution, a browser based course, or a webcast. And we use the most appropriate tool at each stage of the project, from analysis to evaluation and support.


We don’t just use training technology for the sake of technology. We capitalize on the efficiency that new tools and technology provide, but ensure that we target the instructional needs of the project. Instructional design makes up the core of every solution we employ. We believe that the answer is not found in the tool, but in the thinking behind it.

Our approach to learning technologies:

  1. Use technology to support the learning strategy, not dictate it. Don't let the features and functionality dictate the way the learning strategy is executed.

  2. Solve today’s challenges, but plan for the future. Forecast the organisation’s future needs as best as possible by realizing the challenges that will need to be addressed.

  3. Leverage technology for a truly blended learning experience. Provide valuable formal training but expand and enhance that experience with collaboration, mobility and context.

  4. Realize the potential in mobile, collaborative and cloud technologies. Give learners the opportunity to interact with learning.