Enable learning and development opportunities across your organization. I will help solve the following challenges:
1️⃣ disconnected working groups who are not efficient at getting help when they need it,
2️⃣ people who don't know what they need to learn for compliance and growth, or
3️⃣ learners who want to continually learn but need structure and direction...
I help by bringing together all your learning and development resources (below) and integrating them on a unified (NextGen) platform.
NextGen platforms integrate bottom up (pull) and top down (push) approaches. They allow for lots of collaboration, personalization, and adaptable content. You can have the best of both worlds with a NextGen platform. You can keep a focus on your people's growth while simultaneously tracking for compliance.
Future-proof the learning delivery in your organization so that your people can get help, give help, get better, and be ready for what's coming.
I help you throughout the entire learning enablement lifecycle to...
1️⃣ Understand: sense and prioritise organisational and individual skill gaps
2️⃣ Build: develop, buy, or curate learning content and experiences
3️⃣ Manage: manage, deliver, and capture live training events and digital learning content
4️⃣ Connect: connect people to peers, mentors, or growth opportunities
5️⃣ Engage: aggregate, integrate, and target learning and development resources
6️⃣ Measure: report, assess, and analyze learning activity and skills
7️⃣ Enable: inform operational and personal career, talent, and business decisions
Images borrowed from Degreed skills platform.
I help you to determine what's going on with the learning and growth potential in your organization: how we can continue what's working, improve it, and fix what's not working.
I build learning experiences (courses, activities, etc.) according to what your learner and business needs are. Together we'll determine whether we need to create from scratch, curate what's already available, or use third party content or development.
In addition to content, I will help you consolidate your learning tech stack. In one company, I simplified an organizations tech stack from 5 solutions to 1.
Once built, we'll determine the most appropriate solution for delivery and for interacting with the content. This includes strategies for continuous learning before, during, and after the learning event. All of your learning experiences can be managed: existing, live (in person, kiosk, webinar, etc.) or future assets.
Let's use the latest technology, including AI solutions, to enable collaboration and coaching opportunities. We'll connect novices with experts and let the seasoned people get help from each other.
Organizational connection challenges. From routine updates to urgent alerts, I will help you to:
- Keep teams up-to-date with company news
- Build stronger engagement and a sense of belonging
- Gather honest feedback—instantly
- Reinforce key operational updates
If you have an exisiting LMS and want to socialize or improve it, or you want to use a more current platform to connect performance support with learning experiences, I will guide you to the right solution. I will help you integrate and streamline all resources effectively into a single platform.
Once learning content is available to your learners, we facilitate the tracking of their progress and engagement. We can then make data-driven adjustments to enhance their learning experience and outcomes.
I will help you progress from a programmatic learning culture to one that is innovative, where your people can build their skills, increase their knowledge, and continuously improve their capabilities.